API Methods
Get Game Demo

getGameDemo Method

This methods opens demo (fun play) game session and returns the game URL that you should serve to your players.

On gameid you should always use the id_hash variable returned on the getGameList method.

Method Request

  "api_login" : "d13b1ceb-6209-4163-b1cf-f304c28b81ec",
  "api_password": "dqRin2nfLosij2n88",
  "method": "getGameDemo",
  "lang" : "en",
  "gameid" : "softswiss/DiceBonanza", 
  "homeurl" : "https://url.to.your.page.com",
  "cashierurl" : "https://url.to.cashier.page.com",
  "currency": "USD"

Succesful Response

  "error": 0,
  "response": "https://client-mga.spinshield.net/i?play=aHR0cHM6Ly9jbGllbnQtbWdhLnNwaW5zaGllbGQubmV0L3BsYXkvOGI1NGVkZjRmMWQ0YzNlZmRhZmQ5MGU1ZmQ5MmM5OWQvMzcxOTgyMy9zb2Z0c3dpc3MvRGljZUJvbmFuemE=",
  "session_id": "8b54edf4f1d4c3efdafd90e5fd92c99d"

Error Response

	"error": 1,
	"message": "Game with this gameid does not exist"