API Methods
Create Player

createPlayer Method

The createPlayer method should be invoked before sending other requests. For safe integration you should always call this, even if you already created player before.

If the player exists already, we redirect your request to the playerExists method.

Method Request

	"api_login" : "d13b1ceb-6209-4163-b1cf-f304c28b81ec",
	"api_password": "dqRin2nfLosij2n88",
	"method": "createPlayer",
	"user_username": "yourPlayerId9959", 
	"user_password" : "superSecretPlayerPassword",
	"currency": "USD"

Succesful Response

	"error": 0,
	"response": {
		"id": 51,
		"username": "yourPlayerId9959",
		"balance": "0.00",
		"currencycode": "USD",
		"created": "2023-10-10T11:44:22.000000Z",
		"agent_balance": null